Corporate Crimes

Best Lawyers for Corporate crimes in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Who are the Best Lawyers for Corporate crimes in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India? Corporate Crimes is expanding with the change in the decade. The purpose of this is the quick creating nations, modern development in the creating nations. Industrialization and urbanization are the main reason for the widespread of these crimes.

What are Corporate Crimes?

Corporate crimes are usually white-collar crimes committed to their personal welfare. There are many enactments to control and prevent these corporate crimes. Some of them are to explain below with specific provisions.

Who are the Best Lawyers for Corporate crimes in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India?

Corporate swindling

Haridas Mundhra, an industrialist and stock examiner offered invented offers to Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) and in this way swindling LIC by 125 crores. Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru set up a commission headed by Justice Chagla to Investigate. Justice Chagla finished up the issue and Haridas was seen as liable and was condemned to the detainment of 22 years. And T.T. Krishnamachari, the then Finance Minister, left his position.

Crime in the span of a real occupation

Corporate crooks don’t see their exercises as a criminal. Their infringement is normally part of their word related condition. Most criminologists isolate desk wrongdoing into two significant sorts. Corporate Crimes of wrongdoing and occupation-related. The later is wrongdoing submitted over the span of a real occupation, for one’s own advantage. Corporate Crime parties stay carried out to traditional society and don’t relate to culpability. Their wrong conduct is regularly affirmed by corporate subcultures.

First Corporate Crime in India

In India, the first Corporate Crimes was by the East India Company. As being the first multinational corporation in India who was an agent to the crown. The company entered India for trading purposes. Later the Indian East India Company employees turned their actions for their own commercial profits. And they let the company capture the territory of India.

Corporate Law Firms for Issues relating to corporate crimes in Chennai, India

Issues relating to corporate crimes

  1. Bid rigging
  2. Corruption
  3. Defamation
  4. Financial Frauds
  5. Intellectual Property issues
  6. Misappropriation of Assets
  7. Bankruptcy Fraud
  8. Cheque bounce cases

Bid rigging

Bid rigging disregards antitrust laws. It is firmly identified with even value fixing. It involves two offenses include conspiracy between assumed rivals in a similar market gathering.

There are several forms of bid riggings. Some of them are as follows

  • Bid suppression
  • Subcontracting
  • Bid rotation
  • Complementary bidding

This kind of Anti-competitive acts is restricted by competition law enactments. The Competition Commission of India prohibits this. This conception of bid rigging is also said as price parallelism.


People say corruption is a corporate crime against national development. Moreover, Corruption includes elements like fraud, false statements, and false evidence. The Companies Act, 2013 covers them.

Debasement laws

While the Indian enemy of debasement laws are genuinely rigid. Defilement isn’t phenomenal in India. Be that as it may, ongoing years have been set apart with a developing open disappointment over debasement in the Indian economy.

Examples of defilement

Over the previous years, there has been a solid open estimation against debasement. The prominent examples of defilement have become key political race issues. According to Transparency International, India positioned 78th out of 180 nations in 2018.

Financial Frauds

Financial frauds are happening all over the world. Persons committing crimes for commercial profits are financial frauds. These include money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, and many more.

Insider trading and market abuse

This umbrella also covers insider trading and market abuse. The digitalization of the financial systems paved a way to commit these crimes. The offenders do it without giving the real identity.

Assault against banks

In cyberspace the credentials can be stolen through a backdoor. Altogether, this wrongdoing was one concurrent, facilitated assault against numerous banks.

Misappropriation of Assets

Misappropriation of assets includes the real robbery of an element’s benefits. Fraudulent receipts, unauthorized use of assets for personal benefits, and making the authorities pay for goods and services not availed..

Even in cyberspace the misappropriation of assets is taking place. Skimming and unauthorized access to credit card information, fictitious expenditures are the forms.

Bankruptcy Fraud

When an association can’t respect its budgetary commitments it declares financial insolvency. even when it makes installment to its lenders. The court records a request for a summary where the company covers all significant liabilities, unless from the company’s assets.


False statement

When petitioning for financial protection, you’re relied upon to list the entirety of the property that you at present own. During which if a person submits a false statement for his/her benefit, it is said to be the commitment of fraud.

Criminal Lawyers for Cyber Crime Legal Remedies

  1. The Companies Act,2013
  2. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
  3. The Indian Contract Act,1872
  4. The Indian Penal Code,1860
  5. The Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,1992
  6. Information Technologies Act,2000
  7. Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002

Best Criminal Attorneys for Corporate Crimes in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

  1. The Companies Act,2013

The Companies Act, 2013 is the enactment that Focuses on issues identified with Corporate Crimes Fraud. Extortion corresponding to an organization or corporate body is characterized under Sec 447 of this Act.

  • Penalty for furnishing false statement, mutilation, destruction of documents under Sec.229
  • Punishment for fraudulently inducing persons to invest money under Sec.36
  • Establishment of Serious Fraud Investigation Office under Sec.211
  • Punishment for fraud under Sec.447
  • The Punishment of No specific Penalty or Punishment is provided under Section 450
  • Punishment in case of Repeated Defaults Section 451- 

  1. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988

  2. The Indian Contract Act,1872

Section 17 – records the demonstrations that add up to misrepresentation, which are a false case, dynamic disguise, guarantee without the expectation of doing it, some other beguiling act or any demonstration pronounced deceitful.

  1. The Indian Penal Code,1860

Section 25 – A person is said to do a thing fraudulently if he does that thing with intent to defraud but not otherwise. The fraudulent act of a person can cause loss to another person or gain to another person.

  1. The Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,1992

  2. Information Technologies Act,2000

Section 43 – Unauthorized Access, and the Complainant in most cases allege a violation of Section 43 (a) which is accessing or securing access to a computer, computer system, or computer network without permission of owner or person in charge.

  1. Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002

In India, tax evasion is being drilled in huge scope from recent decades. Because of which the financial wrongdoings have been expanded quickly. The procedure of transformation of dark cash into white cash or the procedure of change of polluted cash into untainted cash is called tax evasion. Therefore the fundamental reason and the target of this demonstration is to forestall Money Laundering.

Criminal Advocates for Corporate Crimes Legal services

Contact Rajendra Criminal Law Firm to avail the Legal Services for Charges of Corporate crimes in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Call Top Criminal Attorneys and receive Professional Legal solutions within 48 hours. Right away call the Best Criminal Lawyers today to resolve Corporate Crimes.

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